Nintendo’s latest financial results demonstrate strong sales for the Switch, despite a 20% drop YoY as a result of semiconductor shortages. With a total of 107.65 million Switch units sold, the console is inching ever closer to the lifetime sales of the Game Boy and the Nintendo DS.
Just to highlight its success even further, Switch hardware sales have now surpassed Wii U software sales. That’s right; as pointed out by the Nintendo Life alumni and all-round good egg Jon Cartwright on Twitter, there are now more Switch consoles out in the wild than there are Wii U games. That’s wild.
Of course, the Wii U had a rough ride when it launched globally back in 2012. The console had reached a total of 13.56 million units sold during its lifetime, the lowest of Nintendo’s core console line-up. Major third-party publishers, including Ubisoft and EA, started scaling back support for the console in 2013, less than a year after its release.
What do you make of this comparison? It definitely highlights both the Switch’s success and the Wii U’s failure pretty directly. Share your thoughts in the comments below!